bandul jam bahasa Inggris
- bandul: pendulum; plumb bob; locket; pendant
- jam: a quarter to seuen; clock; hour; hours; jem;
- jam bandul: pendulum clock
- buah bandul jam: pendulum
- bandul balistik: ballistic pendulum
- bandul foucault: foucault pendulum
- bandul ganda: double pendulum
- bandul kronis: chronic pendulum
- bandul magnetik: magnetic pendulum
- bandul majemuk: compound pendulum
- bandul matematis: mathematical pendulum
- giroskop bandul: pendulous gyroscope
- tali bandul: plumb line; lead
- jam: a quarter to seuen; clock; hour; hours; jem; mengasakkan; menyumbat; menyumbatkan; o'clock; the time of day; time of day; times of; jam; clocks; hr; time; instant; moment; hr.; day; timekeeper; tick
- jam 12 jam: 12-hour clock